Wednesday, September 2, 2015

These are my little darlings, and what kind of mother would I be if I didn't paint for my own offspring? I don't know if any of you have teenagers, but they are seriously not down with my fancy-smancy antique looking designs on furniture! Zacky is a gamer, and a moody male testosterone factory, so black is just his color! I painted the body of his waterfall style low-boy with ASCP Graphite and sealed it with dark wax. The Triforce and Elemental Symbols from Nintendo The Legend of Zelda were painted freehand by yours truly, and then the entire piece got a coat of clear wax to deepen the color and give it that stunning shiny glow. Now for Alyssa's piece! Alyssa's taste is quite diverse, and I had a hard time deciding which direction to go. She's got a very scientific mind, and loves Star Wars, Star Trek, and Batman. She also has an affinity for the Brits! Dr Who, Gordon Ramsay, and of course Top Gear! (I adore Top Gear!! Those guys are hilarious!) So we went for the Union Jack Flag! This dresser is by no means Vintage. Actually, it's super new and nice! The front has a gentle curve to it, but the drawers close flush with the body, and it was absolutely perfect for this design, so I only painted the drawer section of the piece. The Chalk Paint® colors are Napoleonic Blue, Emperor's Silk, and Old White. It took several layers and lots of that awesome green masking tape! If you should ever decide to adorn a piece with this flag, hit me up! it should be laid out in a way that you're not re-taping and repainting to hide little errors that I made whilst painting the different colors. It got a coat of the Clear Wax and was ready for her garb!

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